Here are some of the ways we have seen God at work in a remarkable way in the lives of people in our community through your generosity and support.
Burning Bush CommunitiesRestocks South Fort Myers High School Food Pantry
When we think about spring break for high schoolers, we usually think about fun, relaxation and a week without worries. Unfortunately, for a good number of the students at the high school where I coach, spring break brings worries with it, as they face significant food insecurity at home. This year however, EUMC partnered with Burning Bush Communities to meet the need, and together we restocked the South Fort Myers HS food pantry and gave at-risk students the opportunity to “shop” for their families! This was a real blessing to the students and their families, and was a wonderful demonstration of God’s generosity for all involved at South Fort Myers HS. Thank you EUMC family!
Garden Ministry Donates 3,000 pounds of ProduceThe vegetable-producing part of this ministry is winding down for this year. We northerners don’t understand that it is too hot and rainy to produce good vegetables during the summer (or as Tim says, the oven months). So now their efforts are more focused on preparing the soil for next year and planning for the future.
This ministry, part of and supported through EUMC Missions, is composed of approximately 14 members, but on occasion, there are more as they reach out to the community and FGCU. It’s become an extended family to many as they listen to each other’s problems, celebrate their victories, share the love of Christ and yes, work the soil.
Each year they donate their vegetables to the Interfaith Charities Food Bank of SW Florida which serves Estero and San Carlos. This year with some seedling plant help from Seed to Table they were able to provide even better vegetables, 3,097 pounds!