

Thrift Store Sale (700x500)

March 24 - March 29

50% off SALE at the Thrift Store this week!

Visit our Thrift Store Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday morning for the best deal ever - 50% off all items in the main shop (this excludes our furniture location). Please call the church office for questions.


March 27th at 10:30 am

Join us in Room A-10 for a seminar on learning the difference between Alzheimer’s and Dementia.  All caregivers welcome.  Register Here

April 3 at 10:30 am

We have a new support ministry for caregivers that meets on the first Thursday of each month at 10:30 am in Room A-10.  Caregiver’s Connect! is a group for all caregivers to lean on each other, to share life and its challenges. For more information please contact Carol Howell at

Easter Promo2 (700x500)

April 5th 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

We hope you'll hop on over to Estero Church on Saturday, April 5th between 10 am and 1pm to enjoy the day with us! There will be activity stations, an egg hunt, hotdogs and snow cones.  All kids are welcome!
Baptism Sunday service (700 x 500 px)

April 13th at 2 pm

We are having beach baptisms on April 13th at 2 pm at Bonita Beach near Parking Lot #10.  If you want to be baptized please sign up to take the next step.  All are welcome to join us as we celebrate the spiritual work God is doing in hearts and lives.  Sign up Here
Food Drive (700x500)

Non-Perishable Food Drive

The Faith Works Team has donation boxes for non-perishable food items for those cleaning out your pantry before heading home for the summer.  These items will be delivered to the Interfaith Pantry.  One donation box will be placed near the entrance to the main door.  The second box will be placed in the Office Reception Area.

Wednesdays at 7:00 am

Cup of Joe, our Men's group, meets every Wednesday at 7am to dive into the Word, join in prayer and have a safe place to hold each other accountable. For more info contact John Nance.

Events Prayer Wednesday-2

Wednesdays at 9:00 am

Join us for our weekly prayer meeting on Wednesdays at 9 am in the Sactuary.  We spend time praying over the needs of our church family, community and seeking redemption in our city.

Wednesdays at 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Join our 7th - 12th-grade students every Wednesday night in the Youth Building B for a fun, fellowship, and teaching.   

We love life groups at Estero Church! Life groups are 10-12 people doing life together. Click image above to see what Life Group would work for you. Start this transformational faith journey with others who want to grow too!

Did you know that name tags help foster community and personal relationships by connecting each other through face and name recognition? Well, no matter the reason, Click here to order a new Estero Church name tag.  ($10 per name tag)


We would love to connect with you!  Fill out our digital connect card and let us know how we can best get you connected here at Estero. Join us on Sunday's to begin your journey of faith.


Prayer is the way the life of God in us is nourished. Our team meets weekly to pray over your requests. Whether you are asking God for help during a difficult time or celebrating an answered prayer, click the link below. We’d love to pray for you.


Faithful generosity encourages our trust in God. Our giving not only acknowledges the Lordship of God over our resources, but it also increases our faith in Him. We couldn't do what we get to do without your generosity!