School Backpacks

We purchase backpacks and basic school supplies in bulk to be packed by volunteers in May. The backpacks go to elementary students in the Super Kids Summer Reading Club at our church and elsewhere in the area. Extra backpacks are made for other area students who need them in the fall. We typically assemble 250-400 backpacks each year.

Planning begins in January, and the event is held in May each year.

Thanksgiving Food Build

We provide 400 families in Southwest Florida with supplies for a full Thanksgiving dinner. Bags are made for both traditional and Latino taste preferences. We buy the food in bulk, then the congregation helps pack and distribute bags of food on the Saturday before Thanksgiving.  Click here for more information on this project.

Planning starts in August and the event is held in November.

Christmas Angel Tree

We get to Share Joy with so many people in our community through the Angel Tree Outreach.  Each year through our partnership with area ministries, we get to give 600+ unique gifts to kids in Southwest Florida, seniors, shut-ins, teens, and those struggling with homelessness. During Advent, the congregation is invited to shop for gifts personally or donate money for volunteers to purchase on their behalf.

Planning starts in June and the event runs during Advent.

Quilting Ministry

To provide a warm hug for where help is most needed in our community, this group quilts weekly on Wednesdays from 9:30 am - 11:30 am in the Fellowship Hall Sewing Room.  They have made quilts for foster care children, for fundraiser donations for worthy causes, and more. If you can sew a straight line, or just cut and iron, they would welcome you to join them.

Art Ministry

A member of our Missions Faith Works team teaches the art of mosaic glass to recovery groups and adults with developmental disabilities each month (schedule varies). Students make a beautiful work of art using broken pieces of glass while learning to see how broken people are pieced together by God to be His beautiful masterpieces.

Volunteers welcomed!  Donations of art supplies are also welcomed.

Garden Ministry

All are invited to feel God’s love in our garden, where church members and neighbors have produced over 3,500 pounds of food annually donated to Interfaith Charities while also growing caring relationships with each other.

Drop-in on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8:30 am - 12 pm from May - September.

Sewing Ministry

This group meets every Tuesday from 1 pm - 4 pm during Season (October - May) in the Fellowship Hall Sewing Room to work on needed items to bless others in our community and the world. They welcome all who are interested in using their creativity for God and are willing to teach those who want to learn to sew.

For information about how to volunteer or donate to any of the congregational ministries above, please contact the Missions Team!